Treatments for Headaches, Facial Pain and Neck Pain

Acupuncture for Headaches, Facial Pain and Neck Pain

Essentially headaches come in two forms, Primary and Secondary. Traditional Chinese Medicine treats these two forms of

headaches, facial pain and neck pain as it’s own unique condition and tailors the Acupuncture session and treatments exactly addressing the patients custom situation.

Typical headaches include Migraines, stress related headaches, etc. Other headaches are a side effect of a sinus condition,

dental problems, injuries, even tumors. Acupuncture can be sometimes very effective on Primary headaches and has been shown

to provide relief to patients suffering migraines as well as cluster headaches and tension headaches.

Be on the look out for any type of dangerous headache accompanied by any of the following symptons: Vomiting, Dizziness,

Nausea, Fever or other serious symptoms may require urgent medical attention, but (TCM) :Traditional Chinese Medicine, can help your body naturally combate the hormone or nutrition deficiency you are experiencing

Duke University recently studied over 3,500 patients suffering from migraine and/or tension headaches and other types of

chronic headache showed that that 62 percent of the acupuncture patients reported headache relief compared to 45 percent of

people taking medications, the team at Duke University found.

Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2008/12/02/us-headaches-acupuncture-


Call Dr.China in Jacksonville, Florida to Schedule treatments for your pain naturally 904-294-4930