
Acupuncture: Chinese Herbs & Medicine – Jacksonville, Florida.

Acupuncture – Jacksonville, FL. Acupuncture works by something called “gate control”, first outlined by Melzack and Wall in the 1960s. This theory suggests transmission of signals from small nerves close to the skin go through the spinal cord and finally up to the brain. In addition there are large nerve fibers, which send signals that inhibit pain to the small pain fibers. The theory is essentially these “gates” prevent pain signals being set off & or release pain and blocked nerves. When intense pain comes on, the small nerve fibers overwhelm the large ones, so the inhibiting process releases, thus opening the gates of pain and restarting the bodies natural energy flow and rhythm.

Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, pain treatment clinic.

– Serving greater Jacksonville.

Dr. Jinsong Tian, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture, had his original (TCM)
– Traditional Chinese Medicine training for 5 years at Shandong University of TCM in China
and has been working as a TCM doctor for 18 years in China, the United Kingdom
and the United States.

In Business Since 1996

From 2011 to 2013, Dr Tian completed his training at Florida College of Integrative Medicine. For reference, his Florida acupuncture license license number is: AP3102

Treatment may include: acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Tuina, moxibustion, cupping, Guasha, food therapy, personal exercise, Qigong, and Taichi. (The doctor will determine the treatment based on the individual patient’s condition)

Experience of Dr Jinsong Tian:
1991-1996 Studied in Shandong University of TCM
2003-2011 worked as TCM doctor in the United Kingdom
2011-2013 studied in Florida College of Integrative Medicine
March 2012 licensed as TCM doctor in Florida. License number: AP3102

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