- Invigorates your body.
Part of the job of a acupuncturist is to invigorate the body’s blood flow again. Alot of times we see people who do not maintain their health properly sitting for long periods of time, not exercising, not eating properly this all has a physical mental and emotional effect on your body.

2. Takes pressure off your central nervous system.
Your body is composed of over 700 pressure points, it’s amazing how someone can live in a tremendous amount of pain daily and be so out of touch with their body that they over look the actual culprit. Tension, headaches, stress, pre-existing conditions. PRESSURE-POINTS.. this pressure once elevated can be a very emotional experience, there is not much worse than being in pain daily and not having a solution for it. Acupuncture and acupressure releases pressure off your central nervous-system.
3. Restores your energy field
When someone is experiencing tremendous amounts of pain in their body not only is that pleasant if you take a deeper look you are also experiencing your bodies energy field being disrupted. If you are in Jacksonville, please visit Dr.China and witness first hand how acupuncture can change your life.
4. Sports Injuries and Acupuncture Treatments
Anyone who has recently suffered from a Sports Injury whether a sprain or other type of injury should consider adding Acupuncture into their regime of treatments for the fastest recovery time and return to the game. A recent study by the Academy of Sports Medicine suggests we over use anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen leading to ulcers, internal bleeding and kidney dysfunction.
A photo posted by Acupuncture Jax, FL. (@acupuncturejacksonville) on
5. Acupuncture for Snoring and Sleep Apnea
The prestigious scientific journal Sleep Medicine recently published (2006) the results of scientific trials showing effectiveness against Snoring and Sleep Apnea of more literally obstructive sleep apnea or OSA, caused by the tissues in the upper throat relaxing and collapsing together when you sleep, blocking the air passage temporarily.
Fire Cupping Part of an Acupuncture Treatment in Jacksonville, Florida.
6. Treating Joint Pain and Osteoarthritis with Acupuncture and traditional Chinese Medicine
Some rather exciting recent Clinical Trials around the World have confirmed what Acupuncture enthusiasts have know for years. That Acupuncture can be an effective treatment for joint pain and osteoarthritis. A recent study in China involved 20 treatments over 10 weeks with patients reporting very positive results in reducing pain and increased mobility. Read more about Treating Joint Pain here.
7. Sleep apnea and insomnia
8. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine established that acupuncture treatment is actually more effective when treating chronic neck and back pain then over the counter and even prescription medications. The study showed that modest but noticeable improvement resulted in most patients and their relief was welcomed. Acupuncture is based on a form of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for at least 2,500 years. The Theory of why Acupuncture tends to work so well for so many people is it can manipulate and regulate blood and energy flow connected by 20 pathways or meridians that connect to 2,000+ acupuncture points on the human body. Tiny hair thin needles are inserted into these points providing relief from neck and back pain to many patients.
#acupuncture #Jacksonville #Florida pic.twitter.com/zyCJnW1dsG
— Dr. China (@AcupunctureJax) November 22, 2015
9. Acupuncture elievates Headaches, Facial Pain and Neck Pain Essentially headaches come in two forms, Primary and Secondary. Traditional Chinese Medicine treats these two forms of headaches, facial pain and neck pain as it’s own unique condition and tailors the Acupuncture session and treatments exactly addressing the patients custom situation.Typical headaches include Migraines, stress related headaches.
https://t.co/2XSi2har4k Millennials & baby boomers are changing to #Acupuncture #Jacksonville #Florida Call Dr.@AcupunctureJax 904-294-4930!
— Dr. China (@AcupunctureJax) November 22, 2015
10. Acupuncture for Sprains or other injuries to soft tissues
Traditional Chinese medicine treats Sprains as a form of blocked blood flow, explaining the bruising and swelling that accompanies most Sprains. The first priority is to get the blood and energy flowing so as to restore proper circulation and thus promote healing. Thus suffering in the Jacksonville FL area from the pain and trauma of a recent sports injury or sprain can rest assured that Dr. China knows just the right Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatments to best heal the sprain and return to normal function as soon as possible. Sometimes the opposite side of the body is treated instead of the actual injury itself.